Group Power

Group Power

Monday  *  Wednesday
5:30 am
Tuesday  *  Thursday
12:05 pm
Group Power® maximizes your workout results with one hour of cutting-edge strength training! Get muscle strong and movement strong when you combine traditional strength training with functional exercises and the revolutionary science of Loaded Movement Training, using an adjustable barbell, body weight, and heart-pounding music. POWER UP!
Getting Started with Group Power
Instructor: Kylie McClintock

Instructor: Mikki McGirr

Circuit Style Training
Circuit training essentially means rotating or switching from one exercise to another with minimal or no rest between exercises.
Sound familiar? This type of training maintains an elevated heart rate and increases cardiovascular benefits. It does not matter
what area of the body is being trained; you still get the benefits. Suffice it to say that if the exercise elevates your heart
rate and you move from one exercise to the next with little rest you are doing circuit training.

How Does Group Power Fit?
Although Group Power is not promoted as a "cardiovascular" class, anyone who has used a challenging weight in class has felt
the cardio effect. Just feel your own heart pounding or look around the room at the sweat dripping off of noses and elbows.

Power Up! Your Heart
Cardiovascular improvements are a benefit of any resistance training workout, especially circuit style training. Although Group
Power is not designed as a cardiovascular training program, this important benefit should not be overlooked. Knowing what you might experience in class and why you feel that way helps you make better decisions about your intensity level. This knowledge increases the feeling of success when the workout is completed and hopefully keeps you coming back on a regular basis. Ultimately, it is this consistency that is going to help you achieve your fitness goals.
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